Let Your Users Change Style Of Your Wapka Site
In these days styles are really great part of WAP/WEB sites.. A better designed site is more visited then poor designed site.. In this tutorial we will learn to add option for the user to change styles for site automatically whenever they want.. In this tutorial we will define themes for your site and users of your site will be able to change themes for your site easily with one click..
Remember that the change will be for the action user not for the all users of site.. This tutorial is so eady to understand thanks to our simplest tutorials.. So, lets make our site colorful.. View this syntax, brief description is below..
In above code you can see this code #FFFF00,#000000,#000000:My best; for instance the first one is background color seperated by comma, second one is text color also seperated by comma, third one is links color and at the end of this is ; so that means.If you want more themes you can insert this code after editing it as you like before text on button.. But must seperate it with a ;.. Hope so you will try our this tutorial and will let us know what you have learned today and we will wait for your new idea's, suggestions and queries to improve out work. Thanks!! LIKE OUR FB PAGE TO GET LATEST UPDATES
:userstyle:background_color,text_color,links_color:name;text_on_button:/userstyle:In above syntax we used: background_color: You can change it with any color name or code, for exampleblack or #000000, this will effect your background color of site. text_color: in place of text_color you can use any color name or code i.e.White and #FFFFFF, this will effect your text color in your site whenever users selected this theme. links_color: This can also be changed with any color and any color code.. This will effect links in your site. name: this is the theme name, you can change it with theme name. For example if you want to set theme name to black and white write instead of name Black and White.. text_on_button: This is there if you want to change text on submit button.. For example you can set Change Theme text on button.. Goto ES > WML/xHTML Codes > Insert the following code. After this description, lets write a styler.. Goto ES > WML/XHTML > Write below code and press add...
:userstyle:#000000,#FFFFFF,#FFFFFF:black and white;Change Theme:/userstyle:This will display something like that to the user.
Now user can click it and stles for your sit for current user will be changed.. Now what if you want more style themes?? I have the solution for you.. Try my this code...
In above code you can see this code #FFFF00,#000000,#000000:My best; for instance the first one is background color seperated by comma, second one is text color also seperated by comma, third one is links color and at the end of this is ; so that means.If you want more themes you can insert this code after editing it as you like before text on button.. But must seperate it with a ;.. Hope so you will try our this tutorial and will let us know what you have learned today and we will wait for your new idea's, suggestions and queries to improve out work. Thanks!! LIKE OUR FB PAGE TO GET LATEST UPDATES
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