Add Your Mywapblog To Google with sitemap
Introduction :
It is very hard to drive traffic to mobile blog by suggesting to friends and relatives , It will take long time to get genuine traffic to our blog . The better way to get more organic and genuine traffic to your mobile blog was adding your site on Google Search Engine . Google is a best search engine across the world. So By adding your blog to goodle you.get more traffic to your blog. So read this article carefully and follow my steps.
Follow The Steps:
It is very easy to add your MyWapBlog to Google Search Engine , Only you have to know the basic knowledge about Google Webmaster Tools .
1. First of all you need to log-in to Google Webmaster Tools : Go To Google Webmasters Tools .
2.Click on the "Add a Site" / "Add Properties" Red Button .
3.Enter your MyWapBlog full site address inside the Text-area and click on the "Continue" Button .
4. Now click on the "Alternate Method" and click on the check-box which pointed to "Html tag" and copy the "Html tag" Text to your clipboard .
5. Now log-in to your MyWapBlog A/c and click on the "Blog Verification" and paste the "Meta tag ID" To the "Meta Content" Text-box and click on the "Save" Button . If you have any doubt about the "Meta Tag ID" observe the screenshot below this text .
6. Now click on the "Verify" Red Button , and click on the "Continue" Button .
7. Now you need to click on the "Sitemaps" Tab and click on the "Add/Test Sitemap" Red Button .
8. Now you need to fill the "Text-box" With "sitemap.xml" and click on the "Submit Sitemap" Blue Button
9. In the site map add box just add "sitemap.xml" and press ok .
10.You are Done .
11. Your site will be indexed on Google Search Engine with in a weak after you adding your site on Google Webmaster Tools .
12. Through Google Webmaster Tools you can check the "Statues" Of your MyWapBlog , Such as Crawling Rate , Keyword Rankings , Etc .
Don't remove the "Meta tag ID" Which you add to your MyWapBlog . Once you removed it , Your ownership with the site will loss and Google Webmaster Tools will stop Indexing your site pages on Google Search Engine .
Thank you and visit daily for new and best tricks.
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